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Bulk Order Bioculture

₹ 2,400 /Kg Get Latest Price

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Physical StatePowder
Packaging Size1 kg
Packaging TypeAluminium Foil

Minimum order quantity: 5 Kg

BioRemeTM Aerobic consists of a wide variety naturally selected Aerobic bacterial consortium which is used to degrade organic compounds. Bioreme Aerobic is are single celled microorganisms that are classified based on their response to oxygen these bacteria use oxygen to breakdown waste water contaminants into energy and secret different enzymes that digest macromolecules into smaller molecules that can be used as nutrients for growth. Secreted enzymes have potential benefits but also entail costs in the form of biomass and energy, Microbes’ combination in Bioreme Aerobic is specialized strains nongenetically engineered species which are very useful in treatment process in a very unique way to ensure there is no impact on the surrounding environment. The bacteria degrade the pollutants (BOD, COD, proteins, carbohydrates etc.) in the wastewater and then converts it into energy that it can use to grow and reproduce.

 Benefits of Bioreme Aerobic:
➢ Degrade high COD & BOD.
➢ Rapidly increase in MLSS & MLVSS.
➢ Reduce foaming.
➢ Suppresses harmful bacterial growth.
➢ Reduce plant commissioning time.
➢ Multiple strains of bacteria
➢ Stabilize shock load.
➢ Reduce odour from plant.
➢ Reduce excess sludge generation.
➢ Improve overall efficiency of the plant.
➢ Effective under most environment condition.
➢ Easy to store, handle and transport.

Bio Culture For Decomposition To Control Foul Smell

₹ 2,000 /Kg Get Latest Price

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Physical StatePowder
Packaging Size1 kg
Packaging TypeAluminium Foil

Minimum order quantity: 5 Kg

Bio RemeTM Composting consists of a wide variety naturally selected bacteria composition to make compost in shortest possible time. Bio RemeTM (Composting) helps to release bound and tied up nutrients required for normal plant development increasing the bioavailability of inorganic nutrients such as phosphates and trace elements required for plant growth. It also converts nitrogen into amino acids and proteins forms and releases vitamins and growth factors in the compost. Regular watering during Bio Reme usage allows the microbial proliferation establishing a rich natural flora in the compost.

Successful composting relies upon the right microorganism to biodegrade wastes. Bio Reme Composting is a blend of high potency live bacterial cultures, enzymes and micronutrients, selected from nature to seed new compost piles with high numbers of environmentally beneficial organisms. When sprinkled onto a new compost pile, the naturally derived enzymes and high efficiency bacteria quickly begin to biodegrade bulk organic debris in the pile, while the special micronutrients blended into Compost provide these microbes with the trace nutrients needed to accelerate their metabolic cycle.

Powerful Bacteria To Degrade Faecal Matte

₹ 2,300 /Kg Get Latest Price

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Physical StatePowder
Packaging Size1 kg
Packaging TypeAluminium Foil

Minimum order quantity: 5 Kg

BioRemeTM Aerobic consists of a wide variety naturally selected Aerobic bacterial consortium which is used to degrade organic compounds. Bioreme Aerobic is are single celled microorganisms that are classified based on their response to oxygen these bacteria use oxygen to breakdown waste water contaminants into energy and secret different enzymes that digest macromolecules into smaller molecules that can be used as nutrients for growth. Secreted enzymes have potential benefits but also entail costs in the form of biomass and energy, Microbes’ combination in Bioreme Aerobic is specialized strains nongenetically engineered species which are very useful in treatment process in a very unique way to ensure there is no impact on the surrounding environment. The bacteria degrade the pollutants (BOD, COD, proteins, carbohydrates etc.) in the wastewater and then converts it into energy that it can use to grow and reproduce.

Benefits of Bioreme Aerobic:➢ Degrade high COD & BOD.➢ Rapidly increase in MLSS & MLVSS.➢ Reduce foaming.➢ Suppresses harmful bacterial growth.➢ Reduce plant commissioning time.➢ Multiple strains of bacteria➢ Stabilize shock load.➢ Reduce odour from plant.➢ Reduce excess sludge generation.➢ Improve overall efficiency of the plant.➢ Effective under most environment condition.➢ Easy to store, handle and transport.

Basic Sanitation Product

₹ 2,200 /Kg Get Latest Price

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Physical StatePowder
Packaging Size1 kg
Packaging TypeAluminium Foil

Minimum order quantity: 5 Kg

BioRemeTM Aerobic consists of a wide variety naturally selected Aerobic bacterial consortium which is used to degrade organic compounds. Bioreme Aerobic is are single celled microorganisms that are classified based on their response to oxygen these bacteria use oxygen to breakdown waste water contaminants into energy and secret different enzymes that digest macromolecules into smaller molecules that can be used as nutrients for growth. Secreted enzymes have potential benefits but also entail costs in the form of biomass and energy, Microbes’ combination in Bioreme Aerobic is specialized strains nongenetically engineered species which are very useful in treatment process in a very unique way to ensure there is no impact on the surrounding environment. The bacteria degrade the pollutants (BOD, COD, proteins, carbohydrates etc.) in the wastewater and then converts it into energy that it can use to grow and reproduce.

Benefits of Bioreme Aerobic:➢ Degrade high COD & BOD.➢ Rapidly increase in MLSS & MLVSS.➢ Reduce foaming.➢ Suppresses harmful bacterial growth.➢ Reduce plant commissioning time.➢ Multiple strains of bacteria➢ Stabilize shock load.➢ Reduce odour from plant.➢ Reduce excess sludge generation.➢ Improve overall efficiency of the plant.➢ Effective under most environment condition.➢ Easy to store, handle and transport.

Bioculture Factory Outlet

₹ 2,500 /Kg Get Latest Price

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Physical StatePowder
Packaging Size1 kg
Packaging TypeAluminium Foil

Minimum order quantity: 5 Kg

BioRemeTM Aerobic consists of a wide variety naturally selected Aerobic bacterial consortium which is used to degrade organic compounds. Bioreme Aerobic is are single celled microorganisms that are classified based on their response to oxygen these bacteria use oxygen to breakdown waste water contaminants into energy and secret different enzymes that digest macromolecules into smaller molecules that can be used as nutrients for growth. Secreted enzymes have potential benefits but also entail costs in the form of biomass and energy, Microbes’ combination in Bioreme Aerobic is specialized strains nongenetically engineered species which are very useful in treatment process in a very unique way to ensure there is no impact on the surrounding environment. The bacteria degrade the pollutants (BOD, COD, proteins, carbohydrates etc.) in the wastewater and then converts it into energy that it can use to grow and reproduce.

 Benefits of Bioreme Aerobic:➢ Degrade high COD & BOD.➢ Rapidly increase in MLSS & MLVSS.➢ Reduce foaming.➢ Suppresses harmful bacterial growth.➢ Reduce plant commissioning time.➢ Multiple strains of bacteria➢ Stabilize shock load.➢ Reduce odour from plant.➢ Reduce excess sludge generation.➢ Improve overall efficiency of the plant.➢ Effective under most environment condition.➢ Easy to store, handle and transport.

Bio Culture to Improve Biomass development

₹ 2,600 /Kg Get Latest Price

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Physical StatePowder
Packaging Size1 kg
Packaging TypeAluminium Foil

Minimum order quantity: 5 Kg

BioRemeTM Aerobic consists of a wide variety naturally selected Aerobic bacterial consortium which is used to degrade organic compounds. Bioreme Aerobic is are single celled microorganisms that are classified based on their response to oxygen these bacteria use oxygen to breakdown waste water contaminants into energy and secret different enzymes that digest macromolecules into smaller molecules that can be used as nutrients for growth. Secreted enzymes have potential benefits but also entail costs in the form of biomass and energy, Microbes’ combination in Bioreme Aerobic is specialized strains nongenetically engineered species which are very useful in treatment process in a very unique way to ensure there is no impact on the surrounding environment. The bacteria degrade the pollutants (BOD, COD, proteins, carbohydrates etc.) in the wastewater and then converts it into energy that it can use to grow and reproduce

Benefits of Bioreme Aerobic:➢ Degrade high COD & BOD.➢ Rapidly increase in MLSS & MLVSS.➢ Reduce foaming.➢ Suppresses harmful bacterial growth.➢ Reduce plant commissioning time.➢ Multiple strains of bacteria➢ Stabilize shock load.➢ Reduce odour from plant.➢ Reduce excess sludge generation.➢ Improve overall efficiency of the plant.➢ Effective under most environment condition.➢ Easy to store, handle and transport.

Additives for Biomass Development

₹ 2,100 /Kg Get Latest Price

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Physical StatePowder
Packaging Size1 kg
Packaging TypeAluminium Foil

Minimum order quantity: 5 Kg

Bio RemeTM MLSS Debulking consists of a wide variety naturally selected highly acclimatized bacterial consortium which is used to solve the problem of poor sludge settling, Sludge volume Index (SVI) and floating of sludge in aeration tank and secondary clarifier. Bulking of sludge is a very major problem in waste water treatment plant which is mainly occur due to weakening of bacteria health and increase of its biomass. Another reason of bulking sludge is the rapid growth of filamentous bacteria. The filamentous bacteria are the same bacteria which were present in the system before however they have developed Cilias or Flagella on their body. When you look at it in a microscope it has got developed into a wire -mesh or network kind of structure, which means the surface area of the bacteria has increased and hence it has become fluffy and bulky.  

Benefits of Bio Reme MLSS Debulking:➢ Degrade high COD & BOD.➢ Rapidly increase in MLSS & MLVSS.➢ Reduce floating of sludge in Aeration tank & Secondary Clarifier.➢ Suppresses Filamentous bacterial growth.➢ Promotes growth of “glycocalyx” – extracellular polysaccharide required for healthy Floc formation.➢ Improve sludge settling and provide good SVI.➢ Reduce plant commissioning time.➢ Multiple strains of bacteria➢ Stabilize shock load.➢ Reduce excess sludge generation.➢ Improve overall efficiency of the plant.➢ Effective under most environment condition.➢ Easy to store, handle and transport.

Bacteria for Lake and Pond Cleaning

₹ 2,900 /Kg Get Latest Price

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Physical StatePowder
Packaging Size1 kg
Packaging TypeAluminium Foil

Minimum order quantity: 5 Kg

Bio RemeTM Eco Pond is blend of highly active naturally occurring ecofriendly good bacteria which are absolutely essential for the survival of aquatic ecosystems as well as the creature both flora and fauna. They aid in decomposition of organic materials breakdown of waste substances and the cycling of nutrients in aquatic ecosystems, prevent buildup and stagnation in the water and also aid in oxidizing ammonia, nitrites and sulphides and sulphates improving quality of water. Ammonia forms when urease enzymes produced by various microbial strains, when they contact urea and uric acid from animal urine and water. Ammonia is also produced when proteins are degraded first to amino acids and then to ammonia. Ammonia, Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential to the growth of microorganism, plants, and animals, so that, they are known as major nutrients. They are the primary causes of eutrophication within surface waters. The negative sign of eutrophication is represented by low dissolved oxygen, fish kills, and depletion of desirable flora and fauna. Excessive amounts of these nutrients can also stimulate the activity of microbes, such as which can be potentially harmful to human health.

Benefits of Bio Reme Eco Pond:➢ Degrade Ammonia nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients from pond/lake/drains.➢ Degrade high COD & BOD.➢ Stabilizes oxygen level and helps to maintain Dissolve oxygen level.➢ Eco friendly bacteria nonpathogenic for human, animals and aquatic ecosystems.➢ Breakdown organic matters and reduce bottom sludge accumulation.➢ Eliminate Bad odour of dead organic compounds and improve water clarity.➢ Helps to maintain internal eco system of water body.➢ Reduce bad effect of algaecides and herbicides.➢ Repopulate natural bacteria of water body already exists in pond/ lake.➢ Ready to use microbes.➢ No fermentation required before use.➢ Enhance unaerated or poorly water body.➢ Helps to improve fish health in clean environment.➢ Control algal growth and algal blooms.➢ Foul order of ammonia also reduces.➢ Longer Maintain nitration effect.➢ Suppresses harmful bacterial growth.➢ Multiple strains of bacteria reestablish natural condition in water body.➢ Easy to store, handle and transport.

Bioculture for Restaurant and Hotels

₹ 2,500 /Kg Get Latest Price

Physical StatePowder
Packaging Size1 kg
Packaging TypeAluminium Foil

Minimum order quantity: 5 Kg

Bio RemeTM Septic consists of a wide variety naturally selected Anaerobic and Facultative bacterial consortium which is used to degrade organic waste from septic tanks, holding tanks and Portable toilets. BioReme Septic is are single celled microorganisms that are rapidly increase its population once they get waste which is food for microbes and stabilize natural degrading ecosystem inside the tank, these microbes are capable to withstand the cleaning agents like phenyl, chlorine bleach, caustic drain cleaners, disinfectants, toilet bowl cleaners, detergent, oil and grease and other chemicals.

Benefits of Bio Reme Septic:➢ Naturally restore biologic health to septic systems whose beneficial bacteria have been killed by the numerous household cleaning products in common use.➢ Keep septic lines and drain fields cleaner with reduced carryover of undigested organic debris.➢ When used properly, Septic Activator will biodegrade organic blockages in drain field lines, gravel leach pits and porous stone pit walls, and may be able to restore water flow, thereby saving the extensive costs of digging up and replacing a clogged drain field.➢ Reduce septic tank pump-outs.➢ Reduce foul odors emanating from the septic system.➢ Microbial digestion by BioReme is the simplest and cleanest way to reduce your septic tank waste and keep it working properly.➢ Suppresses harmful bacterial growth.➢ Reduce odour from Septic tank.➢ Reduce excess sludge generation.➢ Improve life span of septic tank filling.➢ Effective under most environment condition.➢ Easy to store, handle and transport.


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Anurag Jha (Chief Executing Officer)
Greencraft Labs Private Limited
10th Floor, A-1005, Onella Nest 2, Sh 57, Sus
Pune - 411021, Maharashtra, India

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